Relación libre y saludable: Seminario para mujeres / Healthy Relationship Seminar for Women
Relación libre y saludable: Seminario para mujeres / Healthy Relationship Seminar for Women
Únete a LIADV y al 2.º precinto para un seminario sobre relaciones saludables titulado “Relación libre y saludable: Seminario para mujeres”. Este evento, enfocado en tu bienestar, abordará temas clave como la diferencia entre relaciones saludables y no saludables, la dinámica de las relaciones saludables, la importancia de reconocer que el amor no debe doler y medidas de precaución para identificar señales de alerta en las relaciones. El seminario se llevará a cabo el miércoles 12 de marzo de 2025, de 12:00 PM a 2:00 PM, en la Assembly of God Church, ubicada en 1700 New York Ave., Huntington Station. El evento será en español y los asistentes recibirán refrigerios y regalos gratis. Esta iniciativa cuenta con el apoyo de L.I. Against Domestic Violence, Huntington Assembly of God, Helping Hands Rescue Mission, y EAC Network.
Join LIADV and the 2nd precinct for a seminar on healthy relationships titled “Relación libre y saludable: Seminario para mujeres.” This event, focused on your well-being, will cover key topics such as the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, the dynamics of healthy relationships, the importance of recognizing that love should not hurt, and precautionary measures to identify warning signs in relationships. The seminar will take place on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM at the Assembly of God Church, located at 1700 New York Ave., Huntington Station. The event will be conducted in Spanish, and attendees will receive free refreshments and gifts. This initiative is supported by L.I. Against Domestic Violence, Huntington Assembly of God, Helping Hands Rescue Mission, and EAC Network.
Miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2025 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 12:00 PM-2:00 PM
Assembly of God Church 1700 New York Avenue Huntington Station, NY